
Can I ask you something? How do you get good at money management?”

This was honest question that Scott, a friend of mine, asked me privately.

Scott is a great guy. He is 36 years old, he has good income from his steady job, and has a wife and two young children. He has a comfortable home, two cars, and a nice boat he takes out on the lake. Every summer he takes the family to Disney.

From outward appearances, he looks like he is pretty good at money management. The truth, Scott told me, is that his home, cars and boat are leased and, despite his comfortable income, he has a mountain of credit card debt and he truly lives paycheck to paycheck. He wants to save and invest for his family’s future, but money management is not a course that was offered to him in school and he never took a personal finance class.

Scott’s story is very common. Is his story similar to your financial situation? Do you have debt that you can’t seem to pay off? Do you dream of retirement and becoming financially free? Today you can improve your money management skills and build wealth for the rest of your life. But before wealth comes a wealth of knowledge. Now is the time to invest in knowledge about personal money management and how to gain your own financial freedom.

If you want to get out of debt and get ahead in life, I have created this Hacking Money personal finance class just for people like you.


What you will learn in this free course:
– How To Prepare Yourself For Wealth
– How To Understand The Positive Effects Of Compounding
– How To Understand The Negative Effects Of Inflation
– How To Learn About An Essential Tool For Investing – The EAF
– How To Use Asset Allocation To Your Advantage,
– How To Avoid Unnecessary Taxes
– How To Utilize Key Investment Tools To Build Wealth

Register for Free MasterCourse

Are you curious about or confused by how the stock market works?

Don’t you owe it yourself and your family to learn it and profit from it?

I have traded and invested over $14-billion in my career. What I gathered from all my money management experience, my continual research, and my lifelong commitment to helping people master their personal finances, I have applied to the chapters of my book Hacking Money. Based on the teachings of this book, I have created this personal finance class to help you learn and grow and succeed in managing your money life starting today.

Start your wealth-building journey today with zero cost, zero risk, zero commitment.

Take my two-hour FREE MASTERCOURSE now and begin your path to become skilled and confident in money management. Take control of your future.

I am a lifelong learner, a three-time author, and I have been the executive and founder of numerous successful companies. I have spent my life learning and teaching people about wealth and personal development. I want to share with you the financial lessons I have learned from my 40 years of investing experience. Schools didn’t teach you about personal finance when you were younger, but now you can learn these valuable lessons that will change how you think about money and how to manage it.

This Free Master Course only takes two hours to complete, but it can begin to teach you financial lessons that will last you a lifetime. Now is the time to learn. Now is the time to invest in yourself. From budgeting to saving to investing to retirement, you must take control of your finances or else your golden years will be left up to someone else.

Start your journey toward wealth creation with me today.

I want to register for the Free MasterCourse >>

To Have Success In Anything, You Must Understand It….

If you’ want to get out of debt and get ahead in life, I have created this Hacking Money personal finance class just for people like you.

What you will learn in this free course:
– How To Prepare Yourself For Wealth
– How To Understand The Positive Effects Of Compounding
– How To Understand The Negative Effects Of Inflation
– How To Learn About An Essential Tool For Investing – The EAF
– How To Use Asset Allocation To Your Advantage,
– How To Avoid Unnecessary Taxes
– How To Utilize Key Investment Tools To Build Wealth


This year, I have been hearing from so many people in financial pain.

They’re in debt, afraid for their future, and they want to learn to generate passive income, but don’t know how to invest. The first place to invest is in their own financial education. That’s why I created this free master course with over 90 minutes of helpful content to help get people like you started on a path to financial confidence.

As a society, we need to help people learn about earning money, saving it, investing it, and protecting it; and later, contributing it. What school teaches that? This one. It’s the Hacking Money personal finance class and it’s available to you today.

Why are most people afraid to talk about personal wealth, debt, and finance? Because it’s emotional. But money is really just a tool that we can learn to master. And it should be a positive topic for us to discuss. The lessons you will learn in this class will give you confidence and competence to talk about and manage your money.

In this class, you will learn the benefits of passive income, compounding assets, and the difference between productive and unproductive debt. You will learn about all your investment choices and how to understand the risks and returns. You will learn how to pay yourself first.

What are you doing to invest in your own education?

Get started now and Take my two-hour FREE MASTERCOURSE on Money Management!


From budgeting to saving to investing to retirement, you must take control of your finances OR ELSE your golden years will be left up to someone else.


The idea is to get yourself income WITHOUT having to work for it….and to do it all before you retire, so you can do what you want, when you want, wherever you want with whoever you want…


These are two of the most popular ways to create passive income, but you must learn to do them right.
